I love new beginnings. One gets to put to rest a segment of efforts at living. Evaluating the successes and not so great moments is a part of tying a ribbon on that part that is over.
I now tie the ribbon on 2009. Moving forward trying to concentrate on what really matters.
My husband was on a hunting trip at Cabin Bluff last weekend and I missed him. I reflected on what would my life be like if he were not coming home. My daughter was accomodating, but I found an excuse to get back home and wait on him.
I was really glad when he flew into our little airport in Gainesville all safe and sound!
Got to get healthier, pass the alpaca baton to other farmers, and share so that others can be successful in finding true meaning to life's purpose.
Pray for Jack Castle. He is a really nice man that has a bad diagnosis.
The photo above is my brother, Ted and his son ,Wynn. First time either of them had gotten up close and personal with a cria, baby alpaca.
Til next time........
News & Ways to Stay in Touch
3 years ago
Caroline, your post is so beautiful. It really spoke to my heart. I have visited Jack and Jean twice at Solace. He is gradually just drifting away as his liver and brain fail. But when he surfaces, his humor remains and Jean is strong as any woman facing what she is has ever been. Take care and thank you for your words. (please change my email to lastpennyfarm@verizon.net). Thanks, Susie