Please take in the beauty of the Variegated Empress. this is a "sister" to the Empress in a previous post. The book the flower is sitting one is wonderful. The trinity cities of Savannah, GA, Beaufort and Charleston, SC are my favorites in the USA except in the summer and "no see 'um" season. Once upon a time I took my husband to my beach, Destin, FL; he took me to see his beach in Beaufort and it had a strange smell. It was the marsh. He said this is the bread basket of the world's fishes. Had a new appreciation for something that I thought had a "stink"; he looked at it as fertility.

Dr. M is standing by his Camellia sansanqua in full bloom. Really am glad he puts up with me in his loving way. An alpaca farm girl, as Katy Spears ( as sister) tagged herself, really needs an extra dose of love and support. We have a lot that goes out with the care and concern; nice to have it replenished by great husbands!

Anna and Celeste are doing great thanks to all the great things that Mother Nature can do. She has thousands of tiny kinky curls down in her blanket and that is "potential! She was running in the pasture this AM with the suri kids! Great moment!

Another member of the team CARODEL is Tom. He is in control of the girl cats and makes sure all are on patrol and doing their job. He was commissioned with the sphynx, if you know what I mean. As it is said around here, "everybody has a job"! His micron count is very low and for a guy that someone left off at our front gate; he has really developed into a great guard for the felines.
I have been thinking about the term "thank-you". It is very nice to hear at the moment of delivery of something for another. But, I think we might take this to another level. Why not do something really neat for ones you are wanting to thank. Do something that would please them and not necessarily you. For instance, realize what thing or activity that they do not like to do and do it for them. This happened to me the other month when my husband took the grocery list and got the contents and I did not have to go into the monstrous store and walk the four football fields to get 10 items. I was was so impressed that he did that without asking. He said just wanted to do something to thank you for being you. Wow, does it get any better than that? Kids could dust and vacuum their own rooms plus the general living area and watch how curfews get eased, trust gets enhanced and best kid on the block awards come out. If a wife would clean out the sock drawer; match 'em up or toss 'em! Maybe just step in and clean out the refrigerator or glean the freezer over the holidays. If it was not used in the last year, out it goes. You do not even have to be there to judge that decision. That would be a great thank-you that has no strings and would be appreciated. All you have to do is seek out what matters and not expect anything back; that is a real thank-you!
This is Leandro John Rodriguez-Mixon, our grandson who is in his sophomore year in Engineering and Architecture at Eastern Carolina University. Jamba!
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