Remember that egret from a few posts ago? Here he is again taking flight
. Such a piece of artistry and mechanics in motion. Seeing him take off made me wonder if I would ever see him again. But you know, I did not worry too long about that for I had a few moments of that day enjoying his antics, gather his brunch, his balancing talents and beauty. So how much less are your family and friends? Your acquaintances? All have some beauty, talent or memory to leave with you. What you need to do is to focus on the positive parts. I know that is hard to do in many instances, but try. You will be amazed at how your attitude will change when you enjoy whatever few moments you have with someone. Take nothing for granted that it will always be there. I really miss my Daddy.....wish I could just hear his voice one more time. I remember when he took me to the University of Alabama for the first time. He said "well, sister , ( a favorite word in our family) time for you to take off!". I have tried more to follow what he said when I graduated, "well, sister, it is time for you to serve!". What? No more worship for her highness any longer? I had kinda liked that position as the only girl among four......
I took flight. Had some bumpy air pockets to dodge, but for the most part, the duration of the flight has been a pretty good one. One fledging and a mate for life, i think I am a swan.
How much stimulation can a cria have? Rare to see a mama licking! But a pasture mate checking out the other end is very common. How else do you recognize?
Had a super visit with the Design majors from Brenau Univeresity, There were 15 of them along with their professor Dr. Lori Gann-Smith. These young women, from all over the world, are entering the design competition among hundreds of colleges and universities to get the winner's place in the Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association Student Design Competition. Ruth, the sister, is the chair of this event and it is bigger than ever. The students came here to get inspired by the lovely alpaca, their fiber being the focus of their designs. Some are focusing on children's wear and baby layettes. We even showed them how to dress the man in exquisite fabric for suiting. Of particular interest was the 90% suri alpaca and 10% silk dinner jacket. This fabric was purchased from Alpaca Jack's Suri Farm,one of our mentors. You saw that jacket in a previous post. will let you know as the girls proceed on their quest for the "runway-worthy" design of the year.
Then, on that same date, my brother Ted and my mother had a visit here at the farm. While he was here he got to see blue eggs and help me with a macho that needed the veterinarian. When Dr. Frost got here and he saw him in action he commented, " I have never seen such compassion as I saw him". That is norm for Dr.
Frost. He is truly a friend of the species! We appreciate him beyond what he may realize.......
Another cute angle; Dr. Frost's office is on Christmas Street, in Bethlehem, GA. His veterinary hospital is open for business and we love it!
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