Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blue, yes indeed!!

I had one of those rare points in one's life yesterday.  I went with my only child, my daughter, to her doctor's appointment and you guessed it!   A nursery is being set up and it will be decked out in macho colors! If you all know us, UGA is tops ( next to the Tide) so red and black may be the theme, so that makes me think of Mickey Mouse.
What a very special time to see that little being on the ultrasound crossing his legs, waving, and showing off his perfect spine.  Beach boy! Yikes!  I think I am already nervous about his antics!

Speaking of antics, the little crias, Choice and Adam are the pair! Running like the wind and already making plans.  He is nibbling on her fiber at her neck, great place my man, and making plans for future dates.  That would be an awesome blend of the Peruvian Inca and  Tuscano of PVA gene pool.  The lustre in these two little suri alpacas is already flash point!

Those of you who guessed at the orange object in the photo of the last post, only one got it right! It is a persimmon. My new friend at MonteSano Alpacas in Huntsville, AL will get a really cool package next week.  Hope all of you are enjoying your coffee that guessed correctly on the lady in profile; Princess Diana.

We are having Dr. Walter Bravo, who lives in Ohio, but is from the "Andes", to be with us and some fellow farmers on Saturday 10/24 here at Carodel Alpaca Farm.
Can anyone name the lady on his right? This photo was taken in July at our meeting at UT when he spoke to the alpaca breeders. (This correct answer is worth some of Annie's Soap Barn goatmilk soap.)
It is interesting getting ready for one of these scientific seminars.  So much information is needed and so little is really known specifically "on label" for the alpaca.  This veterinarian has a project that he contributes himself to in his native Peru.  He goes high into the mountains and has provided the alpaca farmers with a way to get plasma, spun from whole blood, orally into the new crias.  If the dams do not have enough colostrum, or passive transfer does not happen, a cria's life is compromised and many times cut short.  We have a very low mortality rate here in the USA, quite the contrar in Peru.  This is their livelihood and Dr. Bravo is providing them with a way to preserve their livestock and inventory for breeding and fiber harvesting.  He is such a kind gentleman and we look forward to his coming.

I love blue........

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