Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Measure twice; cut once

Only a surgeon would automatically know what the title to this writing is all about.
To give you the background, I was discussing with my husband a concern of mine.  I have a job of protecting my daughter's privacy and wishes, to the extent that I am given the duty.  There are a lot of other people in her life that may think they have as rightful a place at her side, equal to mine, her mother.
She is having surgery , a Ceasarean section tomorrow and I know how she is when she comes out of sedation. I know she says and exhibits feelings that she is remorseful for after it is over.  In order to protect her privacy and the health of a new baby, I am dreading that some of the extended family and her girl friends will think they are exempt from an edict as if I am  the Mother Superior.
Once she is over the nausea and the baby is deemed safe and sound, then she can be her own protector.  Even her husband has not seen this side of her.
My husband, the wise sage that he is, said "Measure twice, cut once".
That means if you think you are about to do something (or say something) that might be irretrievable, think about it twice, if it is still a good move, then go for it.  However, do give it the benefit of two passes by. Once you cut (speak), it is done. Especially important when you are a surgeon and cutting tissue; there is no going back
I will heed that advice. I just hope that no one pushes my buttons on this for I too, indeed, am very concerned about the whole event and pray that others will give her the privacy and due respect, including the extendeds.  I guess that some folks though, think they are on equal footing with the blood mama. Not.
I know that the new being is shared genes, but that is as far as it goes. No inherent rights and privileges other than padding his college fund, please!
But, then again, if I do not have the authority to help her in this manner, I may join the ranks of the exiled too!
I guess I had better think twice about posting this for they read my writings and I would be in the cooker for sure!
Maybe I will have to redo my will if necessary.

No matter, welcome sweet baby. You and Dolly will work this out.

May your journey be safe and perfect.

See you around 8 AM 3/31/10!

Til next time.......

Monday, March 29, 2010

Party-David Allen style!

Why is it that we wait until a funeral wake to tell someone how much they are loved and appreciated?
 I think that is way too late.

 I am recommending that all of you, on your next birthday, do what our friend, Dr. J.David Allen did.

1.   THROW YOURSELF A PARTY! Seated  preferably
2.   Invite friends. Put birth date on FB so that those who cannot come will be reminded of your day.
3.   No gifts, unless they know you love single malt scotch or CABO Wabo!
4.   Have in a location so as not to stress yourself (or wife )about catering
5.   No entertainment to clog the friendly vibes or compete.
6.   Be your own D.J
7.   Use place cards.
8.  Tell all your family and guests how much you appreciate them, this is your party so you can start
      the toasting.
9.   The toasting will begin automatically. Some will be prepared, others will be impromptu. Some
      will have waited a life time to tell you some things, or remind you of past antics.  Be prepared,
10.  It is now open season on the birthday person.....
11.  Adjourn before it gets too rowdy! Even among ladies and gentlemen, constraint is a virtue.

This is a suggested Order of the Event.

Of course, you could have a virtual birthday party and invite the whole world on Facebook; now that would be in keeping with the times and keeping the event green without spending the green!

You may hear those things that you wished you could hear, but the best part is that folks get to say things to you while you are upright and not horizontal or in some oriental urn on a pedestal with a bunch of folks in robes standing around.

You might want to repeat this in a few more years and see if folks have anything different to say !

And to those of you who have friends that may not want to go this route, remember their birth dates.  There are all sorts of ways to be reminded.  Even FB has a place for birthdates and will send all your friends a reminder! Even better!

In any event celebrate the day you were born, it truly is memorable (especially to your mother!) and should be treated with respect.

Speaking of birthdays.......sometime between now and Wednesday another birth is anticipated.....God speed little fella...Dolly

Til next time.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Miracle Imaging

This is Baby McGee.  He weighed  8# 5 oz  when this image was taken on 3/27/2010.  Who does he favor?
Is this not incredible? I think he is a very smart boy; he already seems to be thinking about something that will change the world ! (sayeth the Dolly).
The ultrasonographer says he has hair! That would be a first for us blondies from across the pond. This I have to see.
Heather, Ross and I went to First Impressions on Saturday.  Had discussed doing this earlier, but it got by in the melee'.  Heather realized that she was within 100 hours of download and better get 'er done.  This  is an incredible technology.  His head is down, in position, and not moving too much out of his cubby hole for it is countdown. Ross and Heather were speechless. Now that the suitcase has been re-packed, again, I think my daughter is ready......

This topic stands alone.
Til next time.........

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The DollyLama


Question: What will I want my new grandson to call me? He is due 3/31/2010!

I.  As all of you may know or have guessed, I have a farm.  On this farm the livestock we have as breed stock is the Lama paco, better knows as the alpaca. 

II. Last week, I was clearing out my brain of some old beliefs, turning them around to see the truth of my thinking, I was reminded of an important sidebar by TW .  She said, " now the Dalai Lama would think of that as a gentle precious soul, emerging and blossoming in his own unique way."
I was floored by the pure approach.  My being judgmental was not the way this great man who is best recognized for his sayings, teachings and beliefs and his saffron colored robes of the monks of Tibet would have declared.

I am now approaching all that I think about is how would the Dalai view this?

III.  My mother called Heather, the new Mommy to be, " Dolly " when she was a little girl.
Let's pull these three thoughts together and you will see we now have a name...

This is the revelation:  I should like to be called "Dolly" so as to remind me to continually think, what would the Dalai say, or do in all situations.

Heather told me that Ross, the hubby, would probably call me "DollyLama" to kind of put all the worlds together.

That will be just fine. I am sure that the new grand will begin speaking with 4 syllable words and not mess around with beginner baby jibber talk.....
Now wouldn't that be something?

You can try this one on for size.  It works so well, and I love the simplicity and direction I get when I reflect on what would the Dalai think about this? Sincerely, I challenge you to try it on the next negative thought you have.......

We are shearing our herd of alpacas today.  This will go rather fast and be done for another year.  I have decided not to shear the suri crias.  It is supposed to rain on Sunday and get cold.  This always happens when they get those big fur coats off.  But better for them to be too cool than hot...remember their roots?
I am looking forward to the harvest.

Til next time

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thomas P. Hinman and John Hanson

In the header for today, there is a connection.
On Thursday around 6:30 PM a big "G:, popped up on my iphone.  It was from my brother John Giles in Alabama.

Before 6:30 PM
My dentist husband and I had a day of looking at the newest in dentisty. Totally cool water pik for the shower!
The Thomas.P. Hinman meeting is the most prestigious dental meeting in the world.
Know what branding is? Well if you do not, it is very important.  The Hinman meeting got a brand new look.  It is an educational meeting, so they used brick /mortar wall motif and Corinthian column look to kiosks, new colors of sand and bluebird egg blue. The greatest part though was the title: HINMAN, and it was in the doctor's penmanship ( he passed a long time ago).  Way too creative by the Freeman Company. While we were in the opening ceremonies, the folks out in the lobby were taking down the old and putting up the new.  Transformation in feeling of professionalism was accomplished.

The guest speaker was Frank Abagnale, Jr.
 Ring a bell?
 Leonardo diCaprio/Tom Hanks?
 "Catch Me If You Can"!
 The speaker for the afternoon was this character.  His message was brilliant, succinct and very clear.  Be a good parent....He did not want to have to choose between his divorcing parents so he ran away and made his living.  Served prison terms in France, Switzerland and USA. Has been and still is with FBI for 36 years, way beyond his sentence.  He is truly an ambassador for parenting and I really like him.
Very patriotic theme to meeting with GOD being recognized; in any way you deemed proper.
Dentists are such gentle people.

Move forward now to dinner at Panos Karatassis restaurant KYMA. The text that  came earlier that I mentioned said, as I knew it would soon; John Hanson died....he and and his gathering of angels went HOME.......
Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts of this truly great human being, I shall miss him.

Til next time...

Monday, March 22, 2010


Paula Deen's spring issue has an article entitled "brow intervention"  Now I have heard that word used in other venues but not regarding eyebrows.  As I read and studied the age-old technique of how eyebrows are best designed (tweezed), I thought that this article may be a turning point.
Your eyes are the window to your soul.  They are set apart and framed by the eyebrows.
You have to get this one right to maximize your facial expressions.
 If you follow the instructions as to where the brow is to begin, to end, and designate the arch, many of us would look totally different and maybe be perceived differently just with management of this area of body hair.
Now take the guy or gal who has a uni-brow, hair from ear to ear  How can you tell their expression? How do you know if they are happy or ticked? Serious or jovial?
My motto now (after follow the money) is follow the arch! I can get a better read on your intent if I can read your arch, sort of like tea leaves?
I have an acquaintance that I am confident uses a Sharpie to color her brows.   Her arch follows the muscle above the eye so she always looks startled! If she could soften the color and re-position the arch I would promise you that Lauren Bacall would have a twin.
Many times you cannot get a read on what to remove.  This article has two product lines that have templates for filling in and removing.  Tons of articles are out there on this topic.  It is so revealing as to how your face looks totally different with a new arch design.
I think folks who have dark eyebrows have a different challenge than us blondies.  The neatness of their appearance can be so distracting if brows are not well groomed.  Plus, you can tell a real blond from a wanna be by their brows!
Most of the time men just need taming but what about these guys that think Francis X.Bushman is a role model for those brows that stick out beyond their zygomatic bone? They need to get their act cleaned up. Nothing grosser for a lady to have to deal with in her main squeeze.  (Do not get me started on nose and ear hairs!)
I would dare say that if you have bangs, you neglect this attribute of your face.  Right?
It is one of the stonger defining parts, next to the eye color, lip plump and nose angle.  If any of these are not perfect, change you brow angle, guaranteed difference.
Those of us who are blonds have a different problem, you cannot see our brows.  We have to tattoo, brush with powder or other techniques to define our eyes.  It is quite a challenge not to go overboard and have a drawn line that looks like a Madame Alexander doll.
I believe in calling it like it is.  This is something even your best friend would not tell you.  As if you would listen.  Think about it.  Look in the mirror and see if your eyes are displayed at their best, no matter the color. 
You can have a great painting but if it is not framed to depict the artist's intent, then it may go unnoticed.
That is all I have to say about that......

All good in Georgia today. My Congressman is coming home from D.C.after a battle royale to complete his quest for Governor.
Thanks Nathan for nearly two decades of service.

Til next time...............

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life is made up of roads not taken....

Went to a wedding and met a lawyer who lives and works in Manhattan.  What a character.  He was responsible for the renovation and expansion of Grant's Tomb. He is so educated,so smart and so full of zeal I heard him when he said "Life is made up of roads not taken". He said it was sort of a take on Yogi Berra's comment of when you come to a fork in the road, take it! I wrote that in my notes and reflected on it today.
{Wonder why this guy never got married. He confessed that he was way to busy to do his profession of defense of white collar crime and have justice done for a family.}

You start by seeing where you are, look in the rear view mirror and see where you went this way instead or that, right rather than left and forward instead of backward or not moving at all.
Along those paths were all sorts of things that came as a result: lovers, children, hirings, firings, death, sickness, health gain, more education, no education, volunterism or not, so many many things that altered your landscape.
I would like to think that as I am older and wiser that I can steer my ship in a direction rather than a current or a tide taking me where it wants me to go.  I can choose to be strong or waffle.  I can choose to complain or compliment or for once just be silent.
I feel that if I had learned this earlier, I could avoided some of the potholes, tragedies and drama filled events.

Speaking of a road not chosen; I wish I had given Bill McCorvey, Jr. the lyrics I wrote to a song back in 1980.  I could be on CMT, or own it! It was that good, have no clue where it is now.

As I hear songs from ZBB (Zac Brown Band), I think of those lyrics.  Had something to do with "the help" in my life. Now that is a best selling book.
I do not think it is ever too late to be in charge of yourself. It is easier to flip flop around and be tossed by others.  It takes strength and strong character to be what you think you should do for yourself.
I may be alone, but I will be true to me! (Somehow, I do not see my being alone, for when you have the needs and feelings of others at the focal point, you somehow get it right!)

On another page: John Hanson benefit was a success, he celebrated his 30th wedding anniversary today, such victories but the dawnings may be fewer than before.

John Del and Del, III: the traveling duo, went to Ole Miss, Bama, Auburn,Emory-Oxford and Clemson on a week long roadtrip that will change all our lives forever.  I think the "trees" of one particular campus won his heart.....Loved having them here, visit way too short..

I have seven packets left in my bowl for those of you who are keeping the countdown to download of the baby McGee (at least that is my guess...)

Til next time.......


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finer points of survival

I have moved MARY'S MUSINGS  to my website and i think you will find it quite easily.  I invite you to join me there.
Just click on the link

Mary Caroline Mixon

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Think green

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the rain fall softly upon your fields. And the sun shine warm upon your face.
Top of the morning' to you.....(and the rest of the day to 'me self!)
May there always be work for you to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine on your windowpane.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you

I have always thought this to be a nice composition. Never really read it til today!Still very much in step with this century.
Thinking green has multiple meanings.  Of course, the amount of coins collected and saved in the bank must be thought of first and protected.  Without good stewardship, you are lost not to mention broke!
I used to have my Daddy drive and drive to see the end of the rainbow so I could see if that pot of gold idea was real.  Of course, as we drove, the light shifted, the moisture in the sky disappeared and the rainbow was no longer visible before we even got there.

Thinking green: this is the moment you need to think of all those jealousies and unfounded insecurites and toss 'em out of your life! That is all I am going to say about that.

Thinking green is our whole ecology protection theme of this generation.  There are so many cool approaches to conservation.  I even bought a swaddling wrap for the new grand that is made of bamboo, recycled stuff, but soft as velvet.
Heather's husband is a McGee, so I am well up on this green stuff and homage there unto!
I am even having green beer this evening along with the stir fry(green) bok choy! Bet that will be a hit!

Find someone and hug 'em; might be a thrilling experience!

Just a side note:  look at the number of packets left. Yikes it is getting near to download date.
My cousin Bobbie Carol asked me to switch to stevia, which we did, just kept deleting one blue packet a day.  If this was going to be a girl I would have chosen the pink packets and then I really would be on her list!

Til next time........

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The interview

Depending on how you look at it,we are always interviewing. Do you need something from anyone else? Do you want a promotion? Do want to gain admittance to a fraternity? Do you want a certain girl's parents to give you blessings on a prom date or marriage? Do you need to be in the Junior League? Maybe gaining admittance to heaven?

There are some programs of education that do not let you practice your trade until you have done an internship, a residency, an externship and then take a test. A major of amount of this supervised time is subjective. So what if you mess up? What if you cannot discipline yourself to be under authority for a while?  All that educational time is down the tubes, right?
Another form of interview is how good your tables manners might be.  I know of several large firms that take you to lunch or dinner and see how you perform.  The use of the napkin, the proper use of eating utensils, chewing with your mouth closed, elbows off the table, control of beverage intake, ability to converse and the list goes on. Remember: :princess bites"! (google:Wikihow)

What is so bizarre about these forms of interview, you may not even know that you are being considered as a candidate for a movement up in your organization, being tapped to chair the big Gala, to be on a committee to choose leadership, be the one to receive money from someone for your services, or get that much needed post graduate supervised work.
Many times interviews are blind in that both parties may not be on same page.

That leads me to this summary thought. Always be informed, be proper, be thoughtful, be courageous, be honest, be truthful and consider the needs and feelings of others and it will not matter! If you are respectful, willing to be taught, submissive to instruction from those who have succeeded, give your best effort, you will not have to worry about being correct. 

                 Just be correct as a matter of habit, not a pretend for the occasion.

(Wonder if he realized this was his first interview with the architect par excellence of this generation?

Til next time........

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ides of March

Et tu Brute? Remember these words? You either learned it in your Latin class or heard them in a classic Richard Burton film about Cesare, the Roman guy.
The Ides of March marks a date that cautions you to watch your back.  It is also a message to watch the back of your loved ones or your friends. Just think, how different would history be if someone really watch the back of this Cesare? Or in any case, how would things be different if events in your life had been the opposite of what they turned out to be?
These may be forks in the road? Study or not? Choice of education route? Marriage partner, illness?

Whatever these choices may have been; they are part of the past.    What you have now is what you are today.  You may not truly appreciate it, but reality check is good for you.  Many of the choices we made are super, these we relish and are thankful for. 
I guess it gets back to how you look at things; 
Half full or half empty?
Today is brand new; it is the middle of the month, goals are still within your reach.
If you want to help watch your back, join up as a follower so you will not miss any future musings that might be pearls for your enjoyment.
CARODEL FARM: reality check: We are shearing in a few weeks and yesterday I looked at toenails of the alpacas and thought, humm, if I will go ahead and trim those, give them their monthly meds ahead of time, shearing time will go faster.  Then I thought agian, if we do this all at shearing time, it will be less stress on the alpacas! So who is more important? My time schedule or their having less stress from the human? Pregnant females are the high point of this consideration. you will find that as an alpaca farmer, shearing is your harvest.  It is the proof of your breeding choices.  It is where you learn if you are meeting what the market needs in terms of fiber for the emerging  textile industry of alpaca in North America.  It is a very important time, so patronize me for a a few more weeks!

Speaking of pregnant females:  The crystal bowl with the Equal packets is now down to 12.  That is the date I have guessed for our new grandson to appear! Helped her arrange the clothes that her friends had passed down and new ones. 
Good grief there was an abundance.  Enough for 6 changes per day for a week plus the same came to my house in case I am on duty here. And that is just the newborn size...

Cannot believe the generosity of others.

I can see Heather "nesting". 

And on that note, we have three baby chickens that hatched.  They have been in the incubator for 21 days and are now in a box with the heatlamp over them.  The cats are going crazy trying to figure out where the peeps are coming from.

Speaking of grandson, Lea was here for a few days and thoroughly enjoyed him.  He is ready for Afrika!

Upon departure, his grandfather said, "you are a very smart young man, but not wise yet. Keep listening to the older generation and try not to repeat our mistakes, but revel in the successes.".

John Hanson is in the hands of God, think he is about to go Home.
I think Christians are sometimes thinking they are being blasphemous to not hold out for miracles and speak not of death as a welcomed state. I am quite the opposite, I think preparing for death is as much an event as living life.  My heart is very heavy, but almost a bit envious that he will be at perfect peace.

Til next time.......

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Skyline Chili Parlor

In our self-pity because we do not have enough of whatever:    ( money,smarts,physique,material possessions,offspring, offspring that are doing what they are supposed to be doing, sales calls, deposits,cooperative staff, someone who watches your back,votes,touchdowns,invites) we forget to appreciate what is already ours. Pouting is not very becoming!
Take a deep breath, look around you and appreciate.
It may not be perfect but until you appreciate what you have and where you are, God just may not honor the next step til you like the one He has given you.
I was reminiscing this AM about trips that Heather and I would make to Cincinnati which was about an hour plus a few from where we were living. 
She and I would get into a Ford Pinto which was this heinous yellowish mustard color, like a school bus, and make a road trip to the zoo. We were watching this mama tiger who had her kits in captivity.  Each time we would go ,we would see that they were bigger and then separated and gone their own path.
Anyhow, back to the car, I cannot begin to tell you how I really did not like that car. It was very compact, no insulation, no safety devices.  Seatbelts were for holding in the booster chair. 
Now that she is a mom-to-be, Heather is now going to her classes at the hospital about the proper way to put it a baby's docking station for the car seat.  The police were there to make sure it was done right!  They will not let you take the baby home unless they see that the car seat is fitted properly "in the back".
Yikes, how dangerous was this to have a little one in the front seat, not buckled in and no one making a big deal about it.  I do see the importance, but did we really lose a lot of little kids that way?
Surely this issue of car seats did not happen without cause.  I wonder what else we were not doing that has led to current problems?  I still think that these guys who have cancer young in life might have been from eating too many poptarts, or sugar coated cereals or kool-aid. Only in hindsight will we know. 
One of the highlights, while we were on our little road trip, was to stop at the Skyline Chili Parlor for a 5-way! Heather, being only 3, would like "pas-sketti and cheese".  Always served in these oval shape ceramic dishes made it all the more mystique.
I am serving that dish Friday PM for the grandson, Lea, who is coming to stay for a few days.  I think it is really great that he will share his spring break with us.  Me, I was headed for Panama City Beach! To the Hangout! anyone remember that place?
In case any of you who are wondering why I am writing and sending this to you is that you might have a few moments to glimpse into someone's elses experiences and thoughts and maybe give you a little boost to recognize who you are and why you are here. 
Remember the good stuff and thank God for all your gifts.  For God will honor a faithful servant.
Yep, I drive a much bigger, better car now.  I am thankful for those formative years, makes you appreciate things as you are blessed. who knows, the way things are going, I may wish for that heinous yellow Pinto; got really great gas mileage! Could pick it out in the parking lot with ease!
There is always something great about all things. 
Thanks for the editing LR
Til next time......

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I have often wondered what the phrase "humpday" really meant. I guess if you looked at the week of work as a bell curve, then Wednesday would be the pinnacle or high point of the curve and then the last two days would be the downhill side. As they say, "heading for the weekend".
Some even measure it by when they go to church. Sunday might be the main day with Wednesday night as a booster for the rest of the week.

What if you worked only Monday through Thursday? Would Tuesday afternoon be the hump? What if you only worked weekends? Where is your hump? And then there is those of us who work everyday; that is, if you are a farmer, where would our pinnacle be? I think it is where- ever you need it to be.

When do you need that little thought of "push me" ? I am on the home stretch!
My pinnacle was the end of our alpaca birthing season. This past year it went from September to January. And, believe you me, I was spent. Really spent. Never again!

That brings me to the real reason for the hump in the middle of your whatever. It is a time to renew and reflect on where you have been and how far it might be to your goal.

Sometimes it is so far out there you cannot invision. So take small windows of looking, set this time for making sure that the rest of the journey is filled with great stuff.

So, how is this day working for you? It is only a few hours old and if it is on a roll, keep your head focused.  If it seems to be a "pit" day, go to the locker room, have a counseling session with yourself and set a new course.  Not to late for it to be great.....
All you sales people out there:  may your calls be successful and the deposits wonderful! Even you banking folks!
Pray for the sick, the helpless, the homeless and the dear girls out there that think they are less than perfect!
God does not make mistakes....
Til next time........

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Who is that in the mirror?

Wish you could meet my Aunt Jeanne.  She has a contagious laugh that spreads until tomorrow.  She has learned to use the computer for generating address labels for letters, copying great photograph albums, and trying to keep her older sisters in the communication loop.  Not too successful there, but A+ for effort. She has a place in the hills of Arkansas that surely God lives there.  I am sure she would prepare Him a plate if He ever sat still long enough while taking care of all of us.
She is my mirror of all things family...

You will never believe what I did yesterday. I ironed! I actually sprinkled, put in the refrigerator for days, rolled out the big terry cloth towel and pressed those beautiful napkins for the next party.  I love the smell of linen being ironed.  They even make a fragrance called Fresh Linen that is to replicate those great smells. Like newly ironed bed sheets.  Of course, yours are ironed,aren't they? Every Southerner knows that freshly ironed sheets give the most peaceful sleep known to man.  Gotta have high count Egyptian cotton sheets for best results.  You will miss the alarm, guaranteed.

Looked out my kitchen window yesterday and this is the most peaceful, awing view to see those lovely alpacas lowing in the afternoon sun. What is the view from your kitchen window? Or do you even have a window there?  If not, put up a mirror.  You have to be able to see reflection so that this area does not become a prison of sorts.

What I really like about Nathan Deal in the Georgia Governor's mansion is that we will get Sandra in the First lady's seat and she will do some kind of reaching out.  What a state treasure for all of us!

Have you seen so many robins? My front yard for the last week has been covered up.  There must be over 100 of them; eating grubs i hope.  Better leave some for the bluebirds.  They are carnivores,did you know that?

Just a thought:  Who is the butter for your bread? The breath of your life? You may have to write your choices down, do a sort and come up with an answer.  When you are asked this again, when you have given credence to your thoughts,you will not have any hesitation to give the answer. 
Know yourself.  Who is that in the mirror?     That is the challenge.

Til next time.........

Monday, March 8, 2010

..... under the "gold' dome

The state capitol building for the State of Georgia is covered in gold.  Yep, real gold from Dahlonega, GA.
During this part of the year,in other states also,  our senators and legislators are gathered for some three months to do the business of law making or un-making for all of its citizens.
We really take that for granted. I am sitting here in the comfort of my home, with peace all around me and not wanting for anything, except for a Coca Cola that I gave up for Lent!
Have we any clue what these folks are doing for us everyday, even when not in session?
I charge you with one item this week.  Pick up the phone, Call the office of your designated one, that you voted for, or not, and thank them.  Small gesture, just a minute of your time.  Better still, go see them.  They love visitors from home.  Send a fruit basket or a raw veggie platter. It should not be a thank-less job!!

Remember that piece on "Dirty Jobs" a few years ago about shearing the alpaca.  Well, shearing time is getting near.  We have the traveling shearer arranged for the last of March.  Hopefully, we will not have a bad cold snap and drop to 32 degrees F after they get those fabulous coats off.  That is our harvest.  Getting ready takes a few weeks on my end to get the sorting bags and tags ready.  Sergio and I will review the tact and get another succesful season underway.Got the list printed, that is the first step.

Drove by our neighbor's, T. Oliver,  pastures and it looks like his harvest is good this year too; black as silk and nursing successfully; that is the greatest gift of a great birthing season.

I do not usually jump into someone else's battles, but i have had an epiphany meant for any of you in anguish today.  When someone bothers you, gets under your skin or seems to always be in your trash, spam 'em.  It is easy.
Now, I am not including that as a way for you to deplete your desire to read these inspired writings, but really, find a way to "erase their reach of influence" on your psyche.  Even if they are related to you.  Might save you both some anguish.  The one haunting you, trying to bug you,  may be tired of trying to sway you to their philosophy. Let's face it, you may not be spiritual enough for them, or successful enough, or married well enough, or have delightful offspring.  Nothing will suit, so "delete" and do not look back.....

My friend is out west skiing.  Cannot say that I envy her for that is not my favorite sport.  But she loves it and I hope she gets a gold medal!  Safe travel TW...

Going to marinate a whole tenderloin today.  I think I figured Ray Lambert's recipe out. But, if it takes one of those hunky pits that looks like two 55 gallon drums, cut in half, end to end, hooked together, we may have a problem.  The SIL has one, maybe will get him to do the cooking. Now that would be a "good trade".

"Hurt Locker"-what a coup.  What a movie.  Very sobering, I could taste the desert sand. Buy it, see it more than once.  Will make you glad you are here and not there.  But thank God for those who are there on our behalf.  I take it back, one more challenge for this week; find a soldier, send him/her an email.......
If you cannot find a soldier, write my cousin,Maj. James Connally.  He is in Iraq (unless he is embedded in Pakistan and he did not tell us) and I want him home...soon.

Til next time.......................

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday repair

What is it about Sunday that causes us great peace or unsual anxiety?
It took me a long, long time to get over the anxiety of Sunday.  for years, I would have to say goodbye to someone and return to wherever.  When I was in college, I was packing up and returng to school where the Gulf States Paper Company was always cranking out these acrid fumes to welcome all of us back to school. Took me years to put up the books or not feel guilty for not being cloistered somewhere studying.  Sunday has been a day of goodbyes when you would leave from a happy rendezvous, a special place of respite to return to your daily habits and job.
Sunday has always been the day before the week of exams, midterms,and finals.  I often wondered whether my teachers were as anxious about delivering the tests as I was about taking them? Probably not.
Sundays were the end to good times. Sundays were the days we got those forboding luscious til next time kisses.  Tears streaming down the face as each left the parking lot, God would there ever be peace?

Yes.....time took care of everything.

Now that I am older and more secure in what lies ahead, I look at Sunday as the first of the week. It is a day of repair, renew and refresh. It is the beginning of a new week with a set of tasks and accomplismenst.  It is a day to refresh the body, do a mayonnaise treatment on the hair, lay out clothes for the next week's adventures.  This coming week will be full of encourging challenges with my mother, and of course waiting on Fuz. 
Who is Fuz? The anticipated arrival of a new being to our midst has not been given a name yet.  Ross, the SIL and daughter call him Fuz=Future Us.  Clever?
Have been trying to come up with a name like Fuzian, Fuzmore,Fuzgerald, but that is not working too well.

Husband picked some of those glorious camellias from his garden today.
I put them on the bronze HumpBackWhale for display. These are Gigantea. the dark copper-red one is Mrs. Charles Cobb.  I am here to tell you we have over 200 cultivars on this farm. They are in full bloom now.
Learned a lot about whales from him this week, that some like warm oceans, others like cooler, some like both. They are majestic.  Wish they could be left alone to thrive, but humans are just too curious.
Hope your Sunday is going great. Just remember, all things pass.  Savor them all. Make memories. In the midst of all you will find your peace.
Make your life great no matter what day it is.

Hugs to my brothers and their families, have to get a get together  planned when Fuz gets here!
Have you hugged an alpaca today? You do not know what you are missing. They gotta be kin to angels.

Til next time...................

Saturday soiree

Before the shoot:  Mark Benner, DMD, is a friend of ours. He is way too cool.  He can do anything.  He loves most to entertain folks and make sure all are having a good time.  You have to pay your own way but he is the organizer and I love that.  We are going to middle Georgia to do a tower shoot of pheasant.  Chartres, the Boykin Spaniel gets to go too.  She is sitting here by me almost like she knows we are getting ready to leave. As we enjoy our day in this wonderful March weather we are having, I will forward the experiences we have with this "one of a kind"...

Day of the shoot:  Do you know of the All-American breakfast in the field? Jerky and Mountain Dew!
What a glorious day we had.  The skies were clear, air brisk and dogs on ready.  Not to mention the men.  Half the group was medical, the other half were retired FBI.GBI and SWAT.  Now those dudes operated entirely differently.  Know what it means to look someone in the eye? These men, were masters of that.  Seems like all were sizing you up to see if you were who you said you were.  The ascertaining look of uncovery.  Are you a drug smuggler? Running from the IRS? Ivory smuggler?Terrorist in woman's hunt and blaze orange. ( Yeah I would like to see that one!).
But, moreover they were super cautious, checking out everything from the safety of the wagon, the efficiency of the gun bearers, safety of guns as folks were loaded up on the wagon, to the escape route.  Even though they were retired, never were they off duty.
Had with us  a friend who is on the DNR, sad day, poachers in our Oconee National Forest.  He was having to deal with that issue and I think they caught 'em!  You would not believe how the folks who are protecting our woods, are really protecting all of us!

Chartres; What a dog.  She is fearless. Retrieve her magnanimous share and very proud to bring them to the proper spot and "drop it".
Met a lady name Lennette.  She was wearing a vintage apron with a CocoaCola logo.  You all do know that the original recipe came from Georgia and that the national headquarters are in Atlanta? Keep buying, I have a ton of their stock!!  Anyhow, I found a site through my friend Janie who owns, with her mom Mary Patrick,  http://susuandjohn.com,/ manufacturers of the Beaufort Bucket Bonnet.  This is  a darling bucket hat for little kids.  Mary made them for her children and now they are on the market.  As I was saying, got a link to a lady who is taking vintage aprons and making them available for 2010, with ideas from 1950 when all cooks wore an apron in the kitchen.  Must have been a really messy job then! I told Lennette if she wanted to sell that apron to put a row of lace on the bottom, wrap it in pretty paper and she would have an asset.  She said, "No,Mam, this be my favorite and it goes nowhere but wid me,"  I think she was very proud of that apron for it was a gift; and gifts are very important not to be taken for granted.

If you have any old aprons you want to get rid of send them to us.

Would like for you to look beyond the obvious.  I know this was said earlier this week, but I am firmly committed to doing that.  If you look at the surface you see one thing, with another look with deeper eyes, a whole world opens up.  For example, look at the pheasant.  The overall view is spectacular.   Look at the intricacies of the feathers.  God must have an immeasurable palette....
You are immeasurable, know it.

Til next time............

Friday, March 5, 2010

...at least, I tried

When the final tally is done at the end of the day, how do your measure you successes? Is it my the size of the deposit? Is it the number of hits on the site? Is it the effort you gave to everything that was slammed at you? Or, is it the proper coursing of navigating your chosen minefield?
Mothers are really held to the fire in the outcome of their children since they have the most influence in the early years. I heard of a mom who said,  "at least I tried. I began my naming with most powerful, influential name I could remember ever hearing.  I named my baby girl 'Monarleaiser'.".This lady tried to set her child apart even from the beginning.  She had seen a photograph of a famous painting that the wealthy and successful people knew about.  She thought that was such a sweet, but memorable name, and she wanted all that for her baby.  She tried; and I think that is the best you can demand of yourself.

My husband was reading the "Power of Pause".  When he finished he said that it looked like he was already doing most of that. However, that a pause could be an excuse for laziness.  When I shared with him that a DVD player, when it is in pause, is still "on". Hummm think about it.

So sad about the man who was on the suicide mission at the Pentagon.  I looked that word up in my 1936 Merriam Webster and when used as a metaphor, can be " the willful destruction of one's self interest".
How many times do we commit suicide, metaphorically?  Thank goodness many of these missions of ours are not as "absolute" as the main definition of intentional  self killing. What prisons our minds can be.

Want some really great goatmilk soap? Check with my cousin, BobbieCarol, Annie's Soap Barn, http://www.anniessoapbarn.com/
Now this is a mom who tried and is still succeeding.
This is Blondie, the Nubian goat who started it all....

Going to get hay today up at Joe and Gloria's. Will probably have a tale to tell tomorrow.
I was just watching out my window at how loving my alpaca mamas are to their crias.  I hope my own "cria" knows how much I love her!

Til next time.......